Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Mock Disater!

So Dave and I participated in a CERT Course and for the final class they held a mock disater. Family members were invited to participate as victims. So here is Taelor and her friend Maddie. I have to admit it look pretty real! The fire department set up a building to make it look like there had been a earthquake, and the girls were caught in the earthquake. The girls had fun. It was quite the eye opener as to what could happen. I hope that we never have to deal with one but, its nice to know that we can help out if it does.

Maddie was made to look
like she had a big piece of glass
stuck in her head and Taelors
hand was blown off! yikes!


Anonymous said...

I think that's very cool of you guys to do that! I'm impressed. Thanks for setting a great example. I hope I never have to see those injuries in real life, very creepy.

Joy said...

Hey, Brandon and I did that CERT class about a hundred years ago. It was a great experience, don't remember a thing, but it was a great experience. Unfortunately there haven't been any big disasters to put our knowledge to use. :) Hopefully you won't have the chance either!